It’s important to remember that credibility is a state of mind. It isn’t something you can buy, steal, or build overnight. Building credibility takes time and a plan. So, what is website credibility? Simply put, credibility is your ability to establish trust in your audience.

One of the most important factors affecting website credibility is the design of your webpages. The design of your page is not only about making it look appealing, but also about making it appear trustworthy and knowledgeable.

When you go looking for information or want to buy something, you search for something specific and find yourself on a website. How do you judge the credibility of the website? The design, colour, the text, the layout, the images, are all factors that influence credibility. Ultimately, you do not know the website owner, but you can use signs of credibility to decide if you want to proceed.

How To Check Credibility Of A Website:

When you begin to work on your own website you might want to know what to do first. You just started anyway, so you probably don’t know yet how to make a website credible. So, just follow our checklist.

#1 Website usability:

Your web design matters. No matter what business you have, your website must be well designed and visually attractive. The design of your website can greatly impact the number of visitors you get, sales conversions, and even your customer’s willingness to purchase from you.

#2 Relevant message:

Getting your messaging right is one of the most important things to get right in web design. If you get it wrong then visitors will bounce and go somewhere else. But does message really matter? And how should you go about it? We'll look at those questions here in this post.

It matters because word of mouth and online reviews can be very influential for many businesses, especially smaller ones. If someone has a poor experience on your website they are unlikely to recommend your product or service to anyone else.

#3 Grammar:

People are judged based on their grammar, punctuation and spelling — and the same goes for websites. Language use is part of what defines our social status: People who know proper grammar have a greater chance of being successful. As it turns out, website visitors judge websites very much like humans judge each other.

#4 Show your employees bio and photos:

If you want to grow your business, then start by boosting your credibility. Having a page with the bios of your employees and some photos can help increase your credibility and trust among your target audience.

No matter the size of your company, including your team is a great way to compel your visitors. It not only shows that you love your employees, but most importantly it creates the perception of trustworthiness and legitimacy.

#5 Detailed product or service information:

With many products and services on the web, it is important to provide detailed information so that people can make a better-informed decision before they buy. If your item does not have enough information, people might think you are hiding something from them and might go with someone else. It’s important to provide as much as possible and is often a good idea to include pictures too.

#6 Show your product or service pricing clearly:

Showing your product or service pricing upfront is an effective way of showing to your customers that you know what you’re doing, which in turn increases their confidence in purchasing from you. People are often hesitant when it comes to making a purchase online.

People want to be 100% convinced that you’re the right person they should be trusting before they part with their hard-earned money. Let your potential customer see your great prices. Show them that you are trustworthy and the right person to do business with. This will increase their feeling of trust and encourage them to buy from you!